Presbyterian Church
of Ephrata, PCA

Men's Ministry

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. — Proverbs 27:17

The men at RPC sharpen one another through biblical discipleship, godly friendship, gospel-saturated community, and humble partnership in serving the church and the community.

We currently have two men’s small groups meeting regularly for breakfast:

  • Meet us on Tuesday mornings at 5:30am at The Udder Choice Restaurant for breakfast and fellowship. We discuss a short passage from the Bible, share praises and prayer requests, and close by praying for one another.
  • Meet us on Friday mornings at 6:30am at Gus’ restaurant for breakfast and fellowship. We use a devotional resource for discussion and share praises and prayer requests.

We host a church-wide quarterly men’s breakfast starting at 7:45am at the church. Hear the testimony of a brother in Christ from RPC and listen to a speaker encourage and challenge us on a topic relevant to being a godly man. Men with families will be freed up to return home by 10:00am so they can enjoy and care for their spouses and children.

We also schedule occasional men’s nights throughout the year.

Contact the church office for more information.