Vision Statement & Verses (Psalm 34:11-14, Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
We exist to obey God’s command to teach our children the Word of the Lord, and to disciple them to live by faith in Christ. How? By the following:
- Regular prayer for workers & children,
- Equipping our workers with Biblical materials, training,
- Filling our children’s hearts and minds with God’s Word and truth,
- Supporting parents with resources and opportunities for spiritual nourishment.
Alycia Weaver is the Director of Children’s Ministries
During the Service
Nursery: Children from infant to age 3 are welcome to join us in the nursery room. We have a connected room for young ones to nap, as well as a private space available as an option for nursing moms. Visitors can ask the usher by the nursery wing door for a code to enter. When you sign in your child, you have the opportunity to give specific instructions, including your wishes on whether a snack of Cheerios is offered to your child. If necessary, we contact parents during the service via text. We would be honored to serve you by caring for your child while you worship. Hannah Weaver is our Nursery Coordinator.
Family Room: Anyone is welcome to use the family room during the service, where you can see and hear the service, but the service can’t hear you. The family room can be found across from the nursery wing door, beside the main office. You will find a few toys and activities for children, as well as seating for adults.
Children’s Shelf: As you enter the sanctuary, to your right you’ll find a shelf with children’s activities, such as coloring pages, containers of crayons, and books. Every first Sunday of the month, your child can participate in Amen Bingo to win a prize.
Children’s Worship: Children ages 4–6 may attend Children’s Worship during the sermon. When Children’s Worship is offered, it will be announced from the pulpit and the children will be dismissed to follow a leader to the second floor. Children will experience a mini worship service, with prayer, age-appropriate liturgy, and engaging Bible lessons that are meant to reflect our “adult” service. Our intention is to train children to participate in regular church with eagerness and reverence. Meanwhile, parents have the opportunity to listen to the sermon with less distraction. Children can be picked up in Room 207 after the service. Staying for Sunday School? Your kids will be moved to the Music Room (Room 208) for singing until 11:00, and then their appropriate Sunday School class from 11:00-12:00.
Sunday School
We offer Sunday School classes for children starting at age two. Ages listed below are recommendations based on the child’s age at the beginning of the school year.
- Toddler Class (2-3 year olds) – Nursery Room 101
- Preschool 1 Class (4 year olds) – Nursery Room 102
- Preschool 2 Class (5 year olds) – 2nd Floor Room 204
- Early Elementary Class (6-7 year olds) – 2nd Floor Room 206
- Middle Elementary Class (8-10 year olds) – 2nd Floor Room 201
- Junior High (11-14 year olds) – 2nd Floor Room 213
- Senior High (15-18 year olds) – Youth Room, 2nd Floor Room 214
In Sunday school, our elementary classes use curriculum from Kevin DeYoung (Crossway) and Marty Machowski (New Growth Press) to study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in three-year cycles. With some variation from week to week, each class includes a Bible lesson, activities and games reinforcing the Bible truth, sometimes a craft, and a ‘take-home page’ for use at home to help the students remember God’s lesson throughout the week. A nut-free snack is offered in each class. Our teachers are dedicated, with a desire to faithfully share God’s Word with the children. Each elementary class has a lead teacher and at least one helper, depending on class size and age. Evelyn Harris is our Sunday School Coordinator.
In addition to our Sunday ministries, we have a number of family-friendly (and parent-friendly!) events throughout the year. Check our calendar for up-to-date information on these activities.
Kingdom Kids
On Wednesday nights throughout the summer, RPC hosts Kingdom Kids, a time of fun & learning for the kids of our church and the children of our community. The night includes an opening time with music & news, a dinner meal together, an exciting Bible lesson, game time, small group reflection & discussion, and a closing time of worship in song. Our leaders and helpers work hard every week to bring the Bible alive in a fun and exciting way! This is a perfect place for kids ages 4-12 to learn more about God and connect with a caring church community. Tammy Bernarduci is the Kingdom Kids Coordinator.
RPC takes very seriously the safety of all children & youth in our care. Therefore, we have developed a children & youth safety policy which is implemented in our programs and reviewed regularly. Our safety policy is available for review upon request.